{Mini Mailboxes for Your Little Valentines}

These sweet mini mailboxes were one of the fun Valentines crafts that we had on display for our feature on Fresh Living on Monday. They are perfect for Valentines day and any other day. 🙂  I plan on using them year round to leave little love notes and little surprises for my kids. It will be fun for them to leave little notes and thank yous for each other as well.

All you need for to make these darling mailboxes are:

-A mini mailbox of some sort. I found mine in the dollar section of  Target a while ago. I have seen some really cute ones at Hobby Lobby.

-Fun scrapbook paper. I wanted to use something that wasn’t really Valentiney so that I could use them all the time.

-A  monogram or other supplies to add your childs name.

-Mod Podge

First, I traced and cut my paper to fit on my mailbox and each of the lids. The tricky part was cutting around the flag. I just kind- of measured where the flag would go and made a little notch. It doesn’t have to be perfect, the flag will cover some of it. 🙂

Next, I used Mod Podge to stick my paper onto my mailbox and used Mod Podge on the areas with paper as well. Last, I added a cute little digi- scrapped tag with my little ones beautiful faces and names on it. I Mod Podged that on too. I added some ribbon on one of the lids and I was done.

 I made a boy one for my Blake and a girl one for my Kylie. I really love how they turned out.

For some really adorable little notes to put in your little ones mailbox, check out Brookes ‘Love Mail’. They would make absolutely perfect ‘mail’ for these sweet mini mailboxes.

You can also do some fabulous things with the flags on the mailboxes. For my girl one, I added a pretty little flower to make it extra girly. 🙂  

Happy Valentine crafting everyone!

♥♥♥  Jen


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  1. Pingback: As Seen on TV
  2. Oh my goodness, I just walked in the door with one of these cute mailboxes from Target’s dollar section. I had the same idea too!! Great minds think alike, I guess 😉 Yours are super cute!!

  3. These are adorable! I just saw the white ones at the target dollar spot today, so I need to run back over there and scoop them up for my two favorite little people! 🙂

  4. For the last couple of years I’ve been doing the shoebox thing with my grand kid. Wow this is so much cuter! Thanks for posting. Great idea!!!

  5. I got one of those mailboxes to do something similar, but was going to return it since the lid didn’t hinge. Eh, I think you just changed my mind with that flower on the flag. Too darn cute! THanks!

  6. Great idea, thanks!! I got some of these mailboxes too, but I didn’t know how we’d decorate that slick tin, besides sharpies. I like the paper idea alot!

  7. I love these! I am going to make one for each one of my kids today! I will post on my blog when I am done. thewallinfamily.blogspot.com
    Question, Did you modpodge on the top of the paper to or just between the paper and the mailbox? I am not great with modpodge :/

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