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Space Activities and Printables

Space Themed Kids Activities – Printables, games, recipes, and more!

These are perfect for a lazy summer day or anytime you want to keep the kids busy!

Space Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!

We had so much fun with Space Week! Kids will love exploring the galaxy without even leaving home. You can find a complete list of space activities, recipes, and printables in our Space Week Post.


Printable Space Characters from Picklebums

Space Themed Kids Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!

Space Mazes from Kids Activities Blog

Space Themed Kids Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!

Alka-Seltzer Rockets with printable from Playful Learning

Space Themed Kids Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!

Star Game from Paging Supermom

Space Themed Kids Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!

Doodle on the Moon from Mr. Printables

Space Themed Kids Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!

Space Themed Kids Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!


How to Make Moon Rocks from Learn Play Imagine

Space Themed Kids Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!

Galaxy in a Jar from Lemon Lime Adventures

Space Themed Kids Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!

Puffy Paint Moon from No Time for Flash Cards

Space Themed Kids Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!

Build Toothpick Constellations from Artsy Momma

Space Themed Kids Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!

Alien Spaceships from Pink and Green Mama

Space Themed Kids Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!

Space Themed Kids Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!


Rocket Dogs from They Are Crafty

Space Themed Kids Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!

Alien Pretzels from Butter with a Side of Bread

Space Themed Kids Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!

Galaxy Bark from Life with the Crust Cut Off

Space Themed Kids Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!

Candy Rockets from She Knows

Space Themed Kids Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!

Space Ship Sandwiches from Super Healthy Kids

Space Themed Kids Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!

Space Week

A week of Space Activities

Space Themed Kids Activities - Printables, games, recipes, and more! These are perfect for a lazy summer day!

Don’t miss the rest of our Mother Hen’s Summer Survival Guides! Please join us for this summer of fun & learning! We will give you all of the ideas, supply lists, book ideas and more to make this a smooth summer program to enjoy at home. Sign up for our newsletter HERE. Each Friday we will be sending links to the weekly theme and posts so that you can get started!

Mondays: We will be sharing the best learning ideas, crafts and more from our favorite sites that tie into our weekly theme.

Tuesday:  We will be sharing the best Children’s Books! And a literature activity that coincides with both the Chicks’ Pick book and weekly theme.

Wednesday, Thursday & Friday:  We will be sharing posts from our favorite bloggers! They have the best ideas and are excited to be a part of this series! All of these posts will tie into the theme:)

Fridays: Make sure you join each Friday to see what activities, supplies & other things you will need to plan your themed week at home. We also will be having really cool giveaways each and every Friday of this series.

Find the other themed weeks in our Mother Hen Summer Survival Series here.


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