Although we still have a foot of snow on the ground, the recent appearance of the sun has given me spring fever. A really easy way to bring spring inside is to plant some wheatgrass. It only takes a few days to appear and every time I walk into the kitchen I see a little piece of spring sitting on my counter.
The only thing you really need are wheat berries (whole wheat). You can find them in most grocery stores (look for whole wheat) or beg some off your neighbor with a wheat grinder. A cute container with potting soil, or even a plate with wet paper towels will work, although the grass will last longer in the potting soil.
Sprinkle the soil or paper towels with the wheat seeds and keep them moist, I usually cover the container with Saran Wrap until the seeds have germinated. Now sit back watch your grass grow and don’t forget to water it. If the grass gets too long you can “mow” it with a pair of scissors.
I love this idea Nikkala! So springy!
Such a fun idea. I have spring fever too.