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Christmas Music Wood Slice Plaque

Bring some antiqued Christmas sheet music into your decor with this beautiful Christmas Wood Slice Plaque!Use Christmas Carols in your Christmas Decor with this Christmas Sheet Music Wood Slice Plaque!
Hi everyone! I’m Valerie from Occasionally Crafty, a blog about simple but beautiful crafts that anyone can make! You’ll also find easy and delicious recipes, printables, gift ideas, and even some parenting tips and thoughts.
I am a musician when I’m not blogging, and I have a special place in my heart for Christmas Carols! There are so many fun ways to use them in your Christmas decor, too.
For this project, you’ll need the following supplies:

Christmas Music Wood Slice Plaque


  • Wood Slice (I got mine at Michael’s with a 40% off coupon- making it under $4)
  • Printable Sheet Music or old sheet music from a book
  • Mod Podge/Brush
  • Merry and Bright Laser Wood Cutout (also from Michael’s)
  • Gold Paint/Brush
  • Gold Glitter
  • Hot Glue/Glue Gun

Make a Wood Slice Christmas Carol Plaque

1. Cut your Christmas sheet music into strips and trim to fit on your wood slice. It took a little playing around with mine to get it how I would like it.


 2. Apply a thin coat of Mod Podge onto the wood slice, then carefully smooth your sheet music strips on top. Don’t worry if it bubbles. You can use a credit card or scraper to smooth them down as it dries. The wrinkles give it character 🙂
3. Apply another coat of Mod Podge on top of your sheet music. Since I printed mine with an inkjet printer, the Mod Podge kind of smeared some of the ink and made it look old and worn- which I loved!

4. Paint your wood cutout with gold paint. Mine took two coats. After painting your LAST coat, IMMEDIATELY apply glitter all over the design before the paint dries. I literally dumped and spread a whole tube of glitter on this! Make sure you do this on newspaper or something to catch the excess glitter to reuse. By doing it this way, most of the glitter will stay locked in as the paint dries.

5. Let dry, then shake to remove excess glitter. If desired, spray your cutout with a sealer to help keep the glitter in place even more.
6. Hot glue your wood cutout onto your wood slice.
7. Display your creation on a small easel or prop up on a shelf. This adds a fun sparkly touch to your Christmas decor!

I hope you loved this project as much as I do! Stop by my blog to see some of my other glittery Christmas projects, like my Glittered Reindeer Sled


and this Wooden “Just BeClaus” Sign!

Happy Holidays!

  photo New Signature.png

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