Giant Award Ribbons Kids Craft
Everything is always better when it’s either oversized or itty-bitty. As part of this weeks theme of random acts of kindness, my kids and I decided to make giant award ribbons for friends and neighbors. Think of how cute these will look hanging on everyone’s doors as you drive down your street.
One reason I chose this craft is to help my children see the great qualities in those around them. I want to teach them to cheer people on for their successes and not feel jealous or spiteful. It’s okay if we aren’t good at everything. We all have different strengths and we should celebrate them.
These giant award ribbons are so easy to make and take very little time, so you can make a whole bunch in just 30 minutes. The part that takes the longest is coming up with, and writing the award title. My boys are still learning to write, so I wrote out each word for them on a scrap piece of paper that they copied onto the giant award ribbons.
How to Make Giant Award Ribbons
Supplies Needed
- Paper plates – I used small dessert plates
- 2″x6″ strips of cardstock
- 5 White paper circles
- Adhesive
- Scissors
- Markers
- Write an award on a 5 inch white circle. If you have younger kids write “world’s greatest” and have them write the rest.
- Glue the white circle to the front of a paper plate.
- Cut a triangle out of the bottom of the strips of cardstock. Glue them to the back of the cardstock.
- Optional: Glue a pin to the back of the plate to pin the giant award ribbon to a shirt.
Wouldn’t you love to receive one of these ribbons out of the blue? It is such a fun way to show appreciation and love for all those around you. This is such an inexpensive craft that you could make them several times a year. And who doesn’t want to receive giant award ribbons several times a year?