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Stenciled Baseball Bag from All Things Thrifty {Spring Fever Series}

We are really thrilled to introduce Brooke from All Things Thrifty. I will never forget when her and her husband taught an awesome reupholstering class at SNAP and they were hilarious and darling, definitely fun and enormously creative folk. Welcome Brooke!

Hello Crafting Chicks’ Readers! I am so honored to be guest posting here today. I’m Brooke from All Things Thrifty, and I am a HUUUGE fan of the Crafting Chicks. In fact, my husband Dan went to good ‘ol Murray High School with Brooke! So, we go waaaay back. The rest of the Chicks and I have met several times in person at bloggy events too, and I just have to tell you that they are just as awesome in person as they are online. So, THANK YOU for having me. Let’s get right to it…

I am a Mom of four kiddos, and during the Spring, we basically live at the baseball fields. We are usually at baseball three times a week. It’s a ton of fun for our family and last year I discovered a trick that is so simple and will hopefully help you too. May I present to you….


DIY Baseball Mom Bag

If your kids are anything like mine they beg to get something from the snack shack every. single. time. that we are at the baseball fields. And since I usually forget snacks in the hustle and bustle of getting out the door, we generally buy some sort of snack to tie them over for a few hours while we enjoy the good weather {cross your fingers} and watch the kids play.

Last year I decided to take control of this situation and create THE BASEBALL BAG. It is basically a tote that is specifically for baseball and baseball ONLY. The bag is designed to be grabbed on the way out the door and it has everything in it that we need at the field.

This bag has been a life saver because let’s be honest, I would forget snacks every time if it weren’t for this bag.


The baseball bag has: Snacks, drinks, mints, sunscreen, hand sanitizer, gum, hair elastics, Band-Aids, headache medicine…etc.

Of course you can’t have just any old bag as the baseball bag though, it has to be festive!

So, I took my Ballard Designs Tote and stenciled a cute “I love baseball” on one side, and it is perfect for game day! One thing I would say though is that you definitely need something with a zipper for this task. The snacks need to be containedand guarded or they won’t last long. HA!

To beautify our bag, I used my trusty Silhouette to cut a stencil out of cardstock.

I love baseball silhouette

Hindsight is 20/20 and I would have made the stencil out of vinyl had I thought about it. But, it’s ok, this worked just fine too. The vinyl just would have stuck better to the bag and the paper shifted a lot during the stenciling process.

I love baseball bag

After I had my stencil ready, I carefully stenciled on the red paint with a stencil brush.


Next I used a black sharpie marker to draw the black portion of the stencil. It literally took me 10 minutes to complete the entire design on the bag.

Stenciling technique

It turned out so cute.

i love baseball

And of course the kids love it because it’s full of goodies to take to the fields!


Inside the big baseball bag we keep a smaller bag with some of the smaller items to help keep them organized.


I hope you like the idea of a baseball bag, and remember it is ONLY for baseball days. You need to store it in a place that the kids cannot reach and is easy to just grab and go!


I love baseball, and I hope you like the idea too!


Brooke come visit All Things Thrifty and check out our latest projects!

Headshot Brooke from All Things Thrifty All Things Thrifty

Don’t miss THESE fun Sharpie crafts on DIY Candy.

Stenciled Baseball Bag



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  1. My baseball playing son is 21 now. He plays adult ball now, but back in the day, I had a baseball bag, too. Just for baseball! I was team mom more than not so my bag carried a lot of things. The difference between my bag and yours, Brooke, is that mine wasn’t prettied up like yours! I never thought of that! Home run on 5 his idea! LOVE it!

  2. This is my first season as a baseball mom! Yay for t-ball! So it begins! I think I may have just the bag for this! Time to go through my stash and see what I can come up with this weekend! 🙂

  3. I love your creative touch! Where did you find that tote? Seems like a perfect size. I too discovered this trick long ago and yes it’s saved us $20 a week during the sport season. I’m going to redo mine and make a pretty themed design! One thing I found, our bag never left my van. I would write down a restock list., buy items and put them directly into the bag! Otherwise come game day, there probably wouldn’t be anything left to eat!!!

  4. So cute! I have a silhouette, anyway you would be willing to share your “I ‘heart’ baseball” logo? I LOVE IT!

  5. Yes, this is so cute!! I would LOVE to make one if you could share your “I “heart” baseball” logo for my silhouette. Thanks!!:))

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