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Fruity Lunchbox Letters Printable Note Cards

Hi everyone! I’m Stephanie from SomewhatSimple.com and I am excited to be here today with a darling printable – perfect for back to school!

Fruity Lunchbox Letters Printable Note Cards | Send your kids back to school feeling extra special with these fruity lunch box notes! #backtoschool #printable #lunch #notes

Send your kids back to school feeling extra special with these fruity lunch box notes! (Aren’t they so cute?)

I’ll admit, I am not a fan of making lunches. I have 4 kids in school, so the 20 lunches I pack each week usually consist of the same 4 things – a sandwich, a drink box, a bag of chips and a treat. Nothing fancy, and nothing special.

BUT, every now and then I like to remind my kids that I am, in fact, the best mom ever. And on those random days, I like to drop a cute little note or joke in their lunch bag and surprise them with jokes, words of encouragement and love. I’ve never had a kid tell me they didn’t like these notes. In fact, I usually get compliments, hugs and words of gratitude when I include them in their lunches. It’s just a little something to make them smile. (And it makes lunch-packing a little more enjoyable for me too!)

lunch notes printables


  • fruity lunch note printables (download link below)
  • scissors
  • pen


  1. Print and cut out our cute printables.
  2. Write a cute (or cheesy!) note for your child.
  3. Make someone smile! 😉

I like to print a bunch at once and keep them in the back of a kitchen drawer for easy access.

Click HERE to grab these Fruity Lunch Letters + check out 5 more DARLING options!

(We have a fun set of Star Wars lunchbox jokes I think you’ll LOVE!)

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We have plenty of fun Back to School ideas on SomewhatSimple.com. Take a look at a few of our favorites:

One Smart Cookie Gift Tags // First + Last day of school Interviews // Homework Punchcards

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