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Easter Craft Tube Crafts

Easter Craft Roll Tubes

If your kids are like mine it only takes them 15 minutes to dye 5 dz eggs, and then they look at me like, “What’s next?”

These Easter Craft Tube Crafts are super easy to put together, and perfect for occupying them for a few more minutes while you hide the eggs for the hunt or start Easter dinner.



Bunny Craft Tube

Bunny Craft Roll

Print off our printable right here onto white paper. Cut out the parts and attach the large piece to a craft tube with a glue stick and then add his cute feet and whiskers.

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Chick Craft Tube

Chick Craft Roll

To make this cute chick, download and print this file off onto yellow paper. Cut out the body and wings and attach to a craft tube with a glue stick and add his little wings on.

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Lamb Craft Tube

Lamb Craft Roll

Download our wooly lamb here and print on white paper. If you want to add a little texture to this guy, it is super easy. Grab a piece of bubble wrap and brush on a little white or off white paint onto the bubbly side. Then turn over and stamp on the white parts of this guy. Reapply paint to the bubble wrap and continue stamping until he is wooly. Once the paint has dried go ahead and attach the pieces to the craft tube.

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Easter Craft Tubes

Easter Peep Houses
Easter Peep Houses Kid Craft

Easter Egg Watercolor ResistEaster Egg Watercolor Resist Art is a great craft for kids. They will love making designs appear when they use watercolor paints over the crayon.


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