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Free Printable Practice Charts for Kids

Anyone here love nagging their kids to practice? We’ve created these Free Printable Practice Charts for Kids so they can keep track and you can relax a little.

Anyone here love nagging their kids to practice? We've created these Free Printable Practice Charts for Kids so they can keep track and you can relax a little.

It really doesn’t matter what it is, kids need someone to remind them to do almost everything. From sports to music, math to reading, we feel we are constant reminding them to practice or work on something.

They say that “Necessity is the mother of invention” and boy did we need things to change at our house before I lost my mind.

And that’s how these Free Printable Practice Charts for Kids were born.

These printables come in 4 different colors so you can assign one color to each child. Have them write their name and take ownership of the sheet.

Free Printable Practice Charts for Kids

How to make Practice Charts work.

We’ve have used these a few different ways, and I’m sure you can come up with even more that would suit your family.
Free Printable Practice Charts for Kids

When it comes to sports, have them write a skill on a line and they get to mark off once they have completed it. I like to teach my kids that goals have to be measurable and attainable. So it’s helpful to write down, “do soccer hop on right leg 50 times.” Instead of, “do soccer hop.”

You can do the same thing when it comes to musical instruments. Have them write the piece of music they are going to practice and for how long.

Free Printable Practice Sheets for Kids

Make the Practice Charts Fun.

Let’s face it, practicing is not high on anyone’s todo list. Try to find ways to make marking the Practice Charts fun.

Free Printable Practice Sheets for Kids

We got each kid a pen to match their chore chart. This way they can color in the circles and make it look fun. They decided that they are going to switch up colors with each other to make the chart look even cooler.

You could also snag some stickers or let them choose what they want to use to mark each day off. You might be surprised at how eager they can be to mark those circles off.

Free Printable Practice Sheets for Kids

To Download our Free Printable Practice Charts for Kids, just click on the black box below.

Download Box

Remember all printables are property of The Crafting Chicks, LLP. For personal noncommercial use only.

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