Healthy Kids Goal Tracker
Help your kids improve in different aspects of their lives with our free Healthy Kids Goal Tracker printable.
Healthy Kids Tracker
We like to begin every summer with a little goal setting session. I sit down with each of my kids individually and we set a goal in three areas to – physical, educational and spiritual. To be healthy you have to take care of different aspects of your life and this is something I want to be teaching my kids.
Depending on the age and skill level of you child each of these goals will change. I have some kids who like to set a number of things they will accomplish and others chose things they can work on every day. We use the trackers differently for each goal. My daughter she crosses off a box every day she works on her goal. For my son we draw lines through the boxes he won’t need to do. Being able to check off a box every time he runs a mile or finishes a book is a good motivator for him. It’s fun to see the boxes fill in and realize that a little bit can add up to something big!
Since summer is winding down, I think we’ll use these to set goals for the new school year. You can download your copy below.