La Croix Teacher Appreciation Gift Idea
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Our La Croix Teacher Appreciation Gift Idea is a simple way to give an afternoon pick me up to all the wonderful people who take care of our kids.
La Croix Teacher Appreciation Gift Idea
I’ve always been good at saying thank you to my children’s teachers at the end of the year, but what about all the others who help our school run? The secretaries, custodians, reading aides, lunch ladies, speech therapists, art teachers, music teachers, PE teachers, computer teachers and crossing guards. They wake up every morning and go to work to ensure my kids are in a safe environment and able to learn. This gift idea is small enough you can hand out to all of these people as you walk down the hall. It’s also big enough to say I see you and I appreciate you. Which I believe teacher appreciation week is all about.
I’m just going to come out and admit it, I don’t like the taste of La Croix on it’s own. I’m also trying to be a little healthier and cut the Diet Coke out and this is a delicious little recipe that gives me a caffeine boost while being a little healthier. Crystal Light Energy drink mix, has the same delicious fruity flavors with a little caffeine kick.
To make, you’ll need the printable label (which you can find below) and a can of Coconut La Croix and a Crystal Light Energy packet. Cut out the label and make a cut at the top of the pink polka-dot section.
Slip a Crystal Light packet inside the polka-dot section and tape it in place on the back of the label. Be sure to keep the packet from hanging out the bottom and keep it in place with the tape. Then wrap the label around the can of La Croix and secure with tape,
Now go make some one’s day a little brighter and their afternoon a little less slugish!
More Teacher Gift Ideas
For more teacher gift ideas be sure to check out our Teacher Gift Roundup:
Download link just opens a picture of the button for me. Cute printable – I’m looking forward to using!
Hi Nicole,
Thanks for the head’s up. I fixed the typos and re-uploaded the file. Everything should be good to go now!