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The Perfect Art Supply Caddy

DIY Art Supply Caddy | Home Organization | Kids | Craft Room We are getting our ART on this summer. My kids love to create and I love having supplies readily available. I love being able to turn off the t.v., pull out our art supplies and let them get creative! This week we created a special ART SUPPLY caddy. This has made clean up a cinch and our supplies super easy to find.

I was able to get a sneak peak of Michaels new Raw Bar line coming this August. These chalkboard front galvanized totes are part of that new line. I thought this would be perfect for our art supplies. This also a great way to get those homework bins ready for back to school!art caddy 7 sm I also found these Chalkboard Table Picks at Michaels to use for supply labels. I used some small galvanized buckets I had on hand…to hold crayons, glue, markers and paint in our bin.art caddy 2 sm Have you guys ever tried Chalk Markers? I love writing with these. They were perfect for writing on the bin and labels. They also have the chalk markers available in bright neon colors.

art caddy 4 sm art caddy 3 sm Can’t wait to see what my little ones create! The possibilities are endless!art caddy 6 sm Here is a little sneak peek of the Michaels new line inspired from nature…you will see burlap, cork, chalk board, wood, metal and canvas coming this August.art caddy 5 sm art caddy 8 sm

Don’t miss THIS Recycled Craft:  DIY Desk Organizer.



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