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3 Ways to Paint and Use Painted Rocks

3 Ways to Paint and Use Painted Rocks

We love Lacey and are thrilled to have her share this adorable kid craft today. Loving this idea for 3 Ways to Paint and Use Painted Rocks! Let your kids explore All things Art this week…starting with rocks! They will love this.

Hi I’m Lacey from the DIY Blog Laceyplacey.com. I’m so excited to be here today! Crafting Chicks actually put my little pillow shop LACEY PLACEY on the map back in 2011 when I did a giveaway on this very blog. I love all the talented chicks behind this amazing blog!

Okay now let’s get to the fun! I love crafts and DIY projects but I like my hard work to be more than just a pretty item. I like it when a craft or tutorial is also something useful I can use in my life. So today’s project will be no different. You will see 3 great ways to paint and actually USE your painted rocks!

My kids love to paint but plain old boring paper is old news. So I figured painting rocks would change it up a bit!


  • Craft paints
  • Paint Brushes
  • Rocks (Find your own or buy them at a craft store.)


  1. Painted Garden Rocks 

Do you have a garden? Why not get your kids involved and paint your rocks to match the vegetables you’ve planted! You can leave your cute little rocks by each one letting you know where each plant is. I just googled vegetable clipart and we did our best to recreate it. My kids loved this one!

2. Story Rocks

Paint different pictures on the rocks. Each one representing a character or event in a story. After you’ve painted your story rocks, you put all the rocks in a bag and let each person pull out a rock and tell a part of the story using their imagination. This is so fun and hilarious to do as a family! It’s funny to see what everybody comes up with. How great would this idea be camping around a campfire!

3. Name Rocks 

There are so many ways to use your rocks and simply write names or labels on them. You could even use Chalkboard paint and use chalk pens!

Here’s a few ideas:

  • Use your rocks to label the herbs in your herb pots.
  • Use your rocks at a table setting as a name card near each plate.
  • Use your painted rocks to label food items at a dinner party.

I hope you have fun painting rocks with your family! Your kids will love it!





If you like to paint you should try my Buffalo Check Wall tutorial!


Want more? Check out all of our Exploring Art posts here!



Still want more, you won’t want to miss our past Summer Survival Series.


For more Outdoor Art ideas check this out!

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