Aesop’s Fine Birds Free Printable
My six year old has just discovered the magic of Aesop’s Fables and the whole family has gotten into the morals of these short stories. I’m Vanessa from Tried & True and I’m so happy to be sharing Aesop’s Fine Birds Free Printable with all you lovely Crafting Chicks readers. Hope you enjoy!
So, in case it’s been a while and you need a refresher on Aesop’s Fables, this quote comes from the tale of The Jay and the Peacock. The basic gist of the story is that a Jay finds a bunch of molted peacock feathers and ties them to his tail as he struts around. Much to the Jay’s distress, the peacocks immediately discover his ruse and proceed to peck out the feathers. With no other choice, the Jay returns to his understandably annoyed jay family, to which they reply:
“It is not only fine feathers, that make fine birds.”
I just love how these old stories are still so applicable to today! It’s so easy to get caught up in the possessions we own and the story of The Jay and The Peacocks helps remind children and adults alike where our true value lies. My kindergartener may not 100% understand the morals of these stories but he loves listening to them and I love the conversations we have because of them!
I’ve created two different options for you to enjoy this Aesop’s Fine Birds Free Printable! One comes in color so that all you have to do is print, frame, and hang. The second one is just outlines so that you can pull out some colored pencils and color in the image yourself. I highly recommend you go the coloring route, it’s so meditative and calming!
Aesop’s Fine Birds Free Printable – Color
Aesop’s Fine Birds Free Printable – Outlines
Stop by Tried & True to check out some of my other free printables, including “Always In My Heart,” “You Are Perfect,” “Let It Go,” and my personal favorite, the “I Love Everything About You” Coloring Page!
I’d love to keep in touch with you through the following links!
About Vanessa
Vanessa Brady is the mother of two small boys and a lifelong craft junkie. Vanessa’s craft tutorials can be found at numerous blogs, publications, and her mother’s brag book. VisitTried & True for more original projects and free printables!