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After School Convo Cards


Maybe it’s because I have boys, but I get one word answers to my questions (and they are still little…I can’t imagine when they are teenagers!) And I want to know every last detail about everything. These little After School Convo Cards should get kids talking after school.



You can send the convo cards in their lunch box to fill out before they get home, or they could fill them out while they are eating freshly baked cookies and cold milk after school! You do that right? Every day?


With only 3 questions per sheet, it’s just enough to get them sharing about their day, without seeming like another school assignment. The goal is to keep the conversation going after the three questions have been answered!


Download your own set of conversation cards here.

The adorable papers are designed by the talented Crystal Wilkerson.

**Disclosure** Crystal Wilkerson has given The Crafting Chicks access to all of her kits with an agreement that we will link to her when using them. She has also given us permission to offer some of our projects using her products as free downloads to our readers.

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  1. Wahoo for a printable! And those cute little hands– even if they’re left-handed. Can’t wait to send these in my PhD husband’s lunch… guess that means I’ll have to start being a good wife and pack his lunch! 🙂

  2. OH I SO KNOW ABOUT BOYS NOT SHARING MORE THAN ONE WORD!!! What a brilliant idea Nik, you are saucy and amazing. LOVE IT!

  3. These are awesome!! Crystal, you are a family relations genius!! And you made the cards darn cute. Way to go and thank you for sharing!!

  4. I have boys who are the SAME way- and I cannot wait to use this! What an adorable and amazing idea! Thank you! Your blog is one of my FAVES. You girls ROCK!

  5. Okay, I just need the husband eddition with Deidra. That is great. I could have him fill it out at dinner time. 🙂
    So brillant Nik!

  6. These are wonderful – thanks so much! I just saw these over at ishare.com. My son loves to write to me about his day and these will be another great way for him to do so.

    Just a note that on the first card the word “quiet” is spelled incorrectly.

  7. This is really cute! How aboutinstead of making forms for children to fill in and using so much paper, just print out one page for mom, as conversation starter questions to ask while making their snack?

  8. Love this idea, especially for my great-granddaughter who is very shy. Did you mean quiet inside of quite on the one card? I am sure was just a proof reading mistake. Take care.

  9. When my oldest (now 50) was in kindergarden they had not finished the addition to the school for the room needed so we had to carpool them to another school. If there are 2-3 kids in the car they would talk amongest themselves and that is how we parents found out what was going on in school. One they started walking to school (the school was 1 block away) we never got any info out of them.

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