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DIY Clay Pumpkin Napkin Rings

Hi! Its Ali from Dream Crafter!

Whenever I think about Thanksgiving crafts, the first thing that comes to mind is a beautiful table setting. I’m a real sucker for a pretty place setting with all the little details that make the meal special. My husband of course, could not care less as long as the food is good. But I guess thats why we make such a good team. 🙂 So today I wanted to show you an easy way to dress up your place settings for Thanksgiving in one day! (My favorite kind of craft.) I present to you the DIY Clay Pumpkin Napkin Rings!

DIY Clay Pumpkin Napkin RingHere is what you’ll need:

-A clay you can bake in the oven like “Sculpey” or you can make a homemade version like a salt dough.

-Sculpting tools (like a fancy butter knife from your kitchen)

-Spray paint.

Ok, I have to admit something here. This is a total no no for crafters but I’m going to be honest. I was walking through the D.I. the other day and I found a bag of these gorgeous handmade clay pumpkin rings that someone had already taken the time to make. Boom. I didn’t even have to sculpt my own. Which is good because I would probably butcher them and they would end up looking like blobs instead of pumpkins. But if you have ANY skill with play dough, you should be ok. Just make them like these with straight edges and with a center large enough for the napkin to go through and you are all set.

This is what they looked like when I found them at the thrift store: (Sorry for the terrible pic. I took it with my iPhone.)

DSCN4465Then bake your clay so it sets up hard. Then I would wait a few days for the to REALLY dry out. Then I just spray painted mine gold (because I love gold) and let them dry!

DIY Clay Pumpkin Napkin RingsI love the look of the gold with the natural textures for a Thanksgiving place setting. It adds a little modern to traditional and makes a nice touch.

DIY Clay Pumpkin Napkin RingsA big thanks to the crafting chicks for having me back again! Have a good Thanksgiving!



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One Comment

  1. What’s a no no for crafters? Was it re-purposing or using spray paint? I think re-purposing is a great way to use things that are no longer wanted for the purpose they were intended for, etc: buttons, pine needles, glass bottles and such. The napkin rings are cool and what a great way to make sure they don’t end up in the landfill. Smart thinking.


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