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Family Christmas Activity Tree {Christmas Tradition Series}

Today we welcome MIRANDA from SOMEDAY CRAFTS. I love her activity tree and list of activities. It’s always great to be prepared before we get buried in Christmas To-dos, the not so fun ones. Welcome Miranda!


Hey Crafting Chicks Readers! This is Miranda from Someday Crafts and I’m thrilled to be guest posting here today! The tradition I’m sharing with you today is a relatively new tradition for our family. This is something we just started doing as a family with our son last year (who is only 5), but it’s something we will do again this year and plan to do in the future too.

One of my goals as a mom is to help my child (and our future children) understand that Christmas is more about presents and Santa. My husband and I want them to know that Christmas is about giving, spending time with family, and remembering Christ. I struggled with how to do this for a few years, but then Pinterest came along and inspired me with all of the cool Christmas advent calendars and such! I know this isn’t true “advent” in the religious sense, but I decided I wanted to do an activity each day during the month of December to either help us become closer as a family, remember to give to others, or help us remember Christ.

I was wandering through Porter’s Craft last year and happened upon this unpainted Christmas tree with little drawers. The drawers pull out and are the perfect size for a little slip of paper and/or trinket. It just begged me to take it home and make it cute! I used some green, red, and brown craft paint to stick with the Christmas theme. Then I used some gold vinyl lettering for the numbers, and made up my own list of things our family can do each day.

If you’re looking for ideas, here are some that I used:

  • Set up our Christmas tree and décor as a family while listening to Christmas music
  • Put up our Nativity while reading about the birth of Jesus
  • Make Christmas treats as a family and deliver them to our neighbors
  • Find a child on a Giving Tree and find Christmas presents for them
  • Watch a Christmas movie (Polar Express, The Grinch, etc) with snacks as a family
  • Drive around town with popcorn and hot chocolate while looking at the Christmas lights
  • Make homemade pizza together
  • Go get ice cream together
  • Visit the library for their family Christmas storytime
  • Get some Christmas stories from the library and read them together
  • Make or buy a new family keepsake ornament for our tree
  • Wrap Christmas presents together
  • Put together and mail our family Christmas card

Last year, our list also included things like building a snowman together, shoveling someone else’s driveway as a service, go sledding, etc. However, I’m 6 months pregnant with twins this year and due to complications I’ve been put on modified bed rest. So, I had to alter our list to include things that this pregnant mommy could do with the family too. It’s no fun to just sit and watch others having fun. If you’re looking for more ideas for your family, Pinterest has TONS of ideas. You can check out Someday Crafts’ Christmas Pinterest board with lots of ideas including Christmas activity/advent ideas. I love that we can change up the ideas each to fit our family needs. Next year will be even harder with 9 or 10 month old twins!
My son is so excited about this little tree, which makes me so excited! He loves being together as a family and opening the next box to do something new together every day. It makes my mommy heart happy 🙂

Be sure to stop by Someday Crafts and see what else we’re crafting up and featuring. We could be featuring you! You can also find us on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and Bloglovin’. We’d love to have you join us!!


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