Strawberry Heart Man Kid Snack
This is such a fun, cute and slightly healthy snack for kids this Valentine Month of love! This is such a fun after school snack to make this week…or if you are planning a class party or Valentine party for kids, they will love these!
Strawberry Heart Men! You just need a to grab a few items to make these. My kids loved making their own Strawberry Heart Man and we loved seeing how they turned out!
What you will need to make the Strawberry Heart Man Snacks:
-Pretzel Sticks
-Mini Marshmallows
-Conversation Hearts Start by cutting off the green strawberry top and then cutting the strawberry in half lengthwise. Using your toothpick…attach the sides together to form a heart.
Add pretzel sticks for the arms and legs…attach mini marshmallows for the feet and hands.
Top of the Strawberry Heart Men with candy eyes and a heart conversation mouth! Such a fun snack that the kids can help make! You can use small dots of honey to stick on the eyes and conversation hearts. Especially if they will not be eaten right away.
Try bringing a tray full of these Strawberry Heart Man Kid Snacks to any Valentine Party! They are a hit!
Check out these cute Valentine Cupcakes! Love those chalkboard toppers!