Glow In The Dark Bug Sensory Bin
Let little hands explore creepy crawly bugs in these glow in the dark sensory bins.
I don’t know what it is about bugs and boys but where there are bugs my boys are immediately drawn to them. Ant hills, spider webs, grasshoppers you name it; there is not a day that goes by that I don’t hear “Hey mom look what I caught!” If they catch lady bugs or caterpillars I don’t mind but the day they almost tried to catch a snake was enough for me. I knew I had to find a new way for them to play with the bugs they loved.
Since we are already in the 100’s here in Utah I’ve had to bust out a few of the indoor ideas in our 52 Days of Summer Bucket List. Sensory bins were one of the items on the list. I found the containers I use for my sensory bins at a yard sale this spring ten for $1. They also have small bins at the dollar store or WalMart that you can use too. Dollar Tree also has a nice selection of glow in the dark bugs that you can use. For the dirt/sand I used Cra-Z-Sand that we got at Christmas time. You can make your own sand by mixing 4 parts flour to 1 part baby oil.
All you have to do now is put the sand in the bin and place the bugs on top. Let the kids dig around and play with these creepy crawlies and as a mom you don’t have to worry about them getting stung or bit. Then after they have played with these sensory bins in the light take them in a dark room (like the bathroom) and let them explore bugs in the dark; because everything is spookier in the dark!
What do you do to keep your kids entertained when it’s too hot to play outside?
If you liked these creepy crawly bins you should check out these other frugal activities:
Be sure to check out the other posts from bug week!