4th of July | 4th of July Printables | Holidays & Parties | Mother Hen Summer | Printables & Templates
Patriotic HedBanz
We love playing HedBanz!
It’s such a fun game that the whole family can get into.
I’ve created an American version to help you pass the time waiting for fireworks. The kids will have a great time playing Patriotic HedBanz, and can learn a few things about our country’s history and some of our symbols. Heck, the adults might even learn a thing or two.
All printables are property of The Crafting Chicks, LLP. For personal noncommercial use only. It’s good karma to leave a comment if you download.
Other versions of HedBanz: Lucky HedBanz, Valentine’s HedBanz
Be sure to check out our other America posts as part of our Summer Surivival Guide!
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