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Hot Rock Crayon Art

If you find yourself unloading pockets full of rocks before starting a load of laundry, that’s a pretty good sign your kids are going to love Hot Rock Crayon Art.

Washed Rocks

Hot Rock Crayon Art

Hot Rock Crayon Art is made by heating rocks in the oven and then letting crayon melt as you “draw” on the rocks. It’s the only time I ask my kids to bring rocks inside the house, instead of tossing them back out the door when they turn their heads. To make it even better turn them loose at the sink to wash the rocks. Kids will think its the best thing ever and that even before we start to add color!

Step 1: Send your kids on a rock finding mission. Flat and smooth stones work the best.

Step 2: Wash the rocks. Get the dirt off. The rocks don’t have to be pristine, but clean enough that dirt won’t interfere with the crayons.

Clean Rocks

Step 3: Place rocks on a baking sheet lined with tin foil.

Step 4: Cook for about 15 minutes at 350.

Step 5: Draw on the rocks with crayon. The crayons will melt as soon as they touch the hot rocks.

Use unwrapped crayons to draw designs and patterns onto the rocks. Watch as the designs take their own shape as the melted crayon slides around on the rock.

Coloring RocksCrayon Rocks

If you can convince the kids to let these rocks go back outside they look really cute in flower pots or fairy gardens.

Hot Rock Crayon Art

For more Outdoor Art ideas check this out!

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  1. I have a question I would like to make these with my 3-1/2 year old toddler but I’m afraid he will burn his fingers can you suggest any safe way of doing it?
    He loves rocks and he loves to color pretty much almost anything.

    He is obsessed with collecting rocks so I was thinking of doing something fun with them

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  3. Did the color last longer than a few months?
    I just heated some porcelain tiles and colored them like this but i wanted to see if they’ll last outside.

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